Monday, March 26, 2012

diablo 3 gold " in case of war - YTV

129755780319375000_147The China economic weekly reporter Guo Fang Huang b | Anhui, Jiangxi, and reported on every clear morning in Beijing, Huang Chunmei opened the door of the living on the shore of the Yangtze River, in front of her is the powerhouse of pengze County nuclear power plant across the River. Across the River 3.2 km, are clearly visible. "Too close, I felt like a ticking time bomb, do not know when willSuddenly broke out. "This feeling is in Japan after Fukushima nuclear accident occurred, not to go. March 14, 2011, Anqing city, Anhui Province in wangjiang County village of mill villagers were seen on television news, Japan the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station explosion after the earthquake, nuclear leaks. In addition to salt as panic buying as many places throughout the country, a Huang Chunmei and her neighbors on Jiangxi's Pengze CountyConstruction of the plant, from guard into a fear. They, of course, also been sporadic protests, not effective, but have no better solution. Wangjiang people "Guandao, vector road, Court Road," but now is no longer the same. In the past months, many media throughout the country to where they "fear". "EffectForce has exceeded expectations, from central to our local governments and departments at all levels have attached great importance to this matter. "Wang Jinzhou to the China economic weekly said, leadership advising them in Anqing city, you can wait a. Wang Jinzhou was in wangjiang County, County Chairman of the CPPCC National Committee, former Deputy Secretary. Beginning in June 2011, wangjiang County and he back down the other three oldCadre in wangjiang County the Court of Fang Guangwen, wangjiang County original Tao Guoxiang, Deputy Director of the Standing Committee and in wangjiang County urban and rural construction with Secretary Wang Nianze, in the name of environmental rights and appeal to all sectors requiring construction of Jiangxi's pengze County nuclear power plant. The reason: the nuclear power project in site assessment, there are serious issues such as environmental impact, including project planning, within the restricted area of personsData distortion, at site of earthquakes do not match the criteria for nuclear power plants, nuclear power plants near industrial areas, projects an opinion poll out, after the completion of the nuclear power plant pollution and security issues. "At the door you get a building, nor does it give you say hello, do you agree? What's more it is a nuclear power plant? "Wang Jinzhou believes that, under the law, wangjiang people environmentAffecting the interests and express their views has the right to break the administrative divisions, requiring interest. They also developed a route plan: the first step "Guandao", if there are no results, the next step to go "vectors" or if it cannot yet be resolved, the final step can only go for "road". Is currently at the stage of the second step. They want to through the media, public opinion influence decisions. Disclosed to the mediaQian, in June 2011, Wang Jinzhou, Fang Guangwen them separately to Anqing city, Anhui provincial party Committee, the provincial government, the Jiangxi provincial party Committee, provincial government respectively, have called upon the suspension of the representations of Jiangxi's pengze County nuclear power plant (hereinafter referred to as "the petition"), and CAs academician he zuoxiu referred to the hands of the top leaders of the State Council. The petition paper covered calls upon the cessation of the construction of the actingBy, Anqing city, Anhui provincial party Committee, the provincial government, the Jiangxi provincial party Committee, the provincial Government did not respond. 2011 August 18, Commission, Commission diablo 3 gold, Commission delegate in Jiangxi province and Anhui Province, wangjiang pengze County emergency plan for nuclear power plant safety issues investigation. "At that time, we only get this from the official progress made in nuclear power plants. "WangjiangCounty Government official who asked not to be named, told the China economic weekly, between officials of the pengze and wangjiang, often there are some unofficial exchanges, from unofficial channels is also generally know the progress of this project, but until then, the two sides had no formal communication on nuclear power issue. "Such a nuclear power project, and pengze in Jiangxi, Anhui,Hubei junction place, involves different administrative areas of local government, for preliminary accreditation also needs to provide accurate information, this is a regional administrative bodies of the need to participate in, some people may be held responsible, also responsible for this project? "The official asked. "But at the Fukushima nuclear accident before, we weren't aware of thisIt seriously. "The officials admit that local Government really know little on the nuclear issue," State so on the edge of a strategic investment project in our, we never doubted it of non-scientific or irrationality. Coupled with the local governments are actively seeking nuclear power projects, including our city in Anhui Province. "It is understood that the whole Yangtze River area, are lining up to successA total of 22 nuclear power plants, including Hunan, Hubei, Jiangxi, Sichuan, Chongqing, Anhui has more than four or five. On the investigation of the August 18, wangjiang people felt quite strongly. "We had to put their fears higher authorities made an oral report, request relevant departments to reflect to the State Department of straight pipe, the power station not from technical, environmentalFurther certification. Finally, at the next higher level departments suggested that we form a textual materials, which reflect also informed. "So, October 2011 in wangjiang County in Anhui province based on the representations by the Government, formation of red tape: the request to stop construction of Jiangxi's pengze County nuclear power plant project report (hereinafter referred to as" stop reports ")。 With these problems and set out in the content of the report and the pleading paper is basically the same. "The County Government has indeed reflected to the top, the people's voice is very strong, and government inaction is out for me. We are repeatedly made after weighing a decision very carefully. "The official said, they do not avoid this problem. Wangjiang County after the Government's official stance, Wang Jinzhou they tried to manufactureGreater influence in society, so they decided to take the second step: vector road. On December 20, they will be hanging in the petition online. At the same time, send e-mails to four media, "but no reaction at all." Real media attention is still in wangjiang County Government please stop reporting. On February 6, which turn red-Twitter is crazy. Zhihou, Chinese economyWeekly reporter wangjiang concerned should be invited to interview. On these days, Fang Guangwen at home every day five or six journalists to interview. Now, as a result of public opinion influence far beyond their expectations. The Yangtze River "land mines" Japan Fukushima nuclear accident news came out, "I think to myself, my sins. "Han Zhengfa told the China economic weekly said. He was in wangjiang County mill villageThe village party branch secretaries. Mill village and the other side huxicun of Jiangxi province's Pengze County, across the Yangtze River in the middle. Close contacts between the two villages, not only personal affinity between friends, there are village collective economic interest relations. A ferry in two joint ventures, contacts between both sides of the Yangtze River. Very Tuk Han Zhengfa and huxicun the village of personal relationships. In 2006, the village of huxicunFound the book he says, you want to do it to the side of public opinion survey, wanted him to meet here. "I said, why don't you let Pengze County Government and the Government of wangjiang County communication? He said there is no need to. "Han Zhengfa agreed. Mill village country doctor Hong Zengzhi notified to take ID card on to fill in the questionnaire. In strict accordance with the requirements specified in the questionnaire on the hook, he can pick up aBag washing powder and a bottle of dishwashing liquid. He was asked upon completion of the nuclear power plant health impacts of choice: "not at all". Hong Zengzhi's angry, tore up a questionnaire on the spot. At that time, he took place in the Soviet Union's Chernobyl nuclear accident 20 years ago the news is still fresh in: 1000 square kilometres of areas subjected to radioactive contamination around nuclear power plants, hundreds of thousands of people were forced to take down, Plunged into an abyss. As one of the traditional Chinese medicine, his first reaction is: the completion of the nuclear power plant would pose a threat to their health. "3.2 km, distance too near to us, throughout the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River there is risk. Nuclear power plant where sewage discharge? Lower reaches of Yangtze River in Anqing, Wuhu, chizhou, Tong Ning, Ma On Shan, Nanjing, Zhenjiang, Shanghai. So many peopleDraught problems what should I do? Dangers of nuclear radiation on the human body How much remains unknown. "He is considering the possibility of disaster is quite specific: for example, the Yangtze River drought breaking may occur, that terrorists may attack," in case of war, others a missile came, is not possible ". Drought is frequent. "Congjiang come over there did a survey askingPeople in Jiangxi province and the mill village in the village of volume I siege. "Hong Zengzhi said that even the villagers to a bag of washing powder and a bottle of detergent, have come together to oppose him," I had a look ahead as far as the eye can reach the end feel of the road, is the voice of opposition around. "Han Zhengfa quarreling with him," I think he is not only my face. "Han said that the duo is goodA friend, after that thing, two people had few contacts. "I do not is a fool? Detergent and dishwashing liquid did not make to, always been retaliation, I do it's not a fool? "According to him, since that time, he suffered from reprisals of township-level government officials. "Village lowest review score to my doctor, I used to be huayangzhen of rural medical Association SecretaryLong, following the events of the next year, I might be pulled out at a general. "Hong Zengzhi suspect, two administrative regions had reached a tacit understanding between officials privately? "The whole mountain was levelled, Anqing how could I not know? "Han Zhengfa insisted, Jiangxi province is directed to him, it does not know. "The next day, I went to town to report, is calledIs sky-high. "Subsequently, wangjiang County Government please stop report accused the opinion polls conducted in pengze County nuclear power project" perversion ". "In wangjiang County and township Governments, without the knowledge of case sth, opinion polls there are obvious limitations, cannot fully reflect public opinion. "In Japan after Fukushima nuclear accident, Han Zhengfa think bigger is wrong," Jiangxi as long bank lines, whyLocation just selected at the end of Jiangxi province? "" Most downstream of pengze in Jiangxi, Anhui's most upstream. In other words, if the plant really had an accident on the security of Jiangxi people to emerge unscathed, will suffer disasters is more than 200 million people in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Of course, suffer disasters is our most in wangjiang County, because it is within 10 km of our agricultureHigh-yield areas, as well as industrial concentration area, concentrated areas of population, and is our only source of agricultural irrigation and drinking water. "Wang Jinzhou is very angry, called wicked. "Why in pengze County nuclear power projects, we want to ' pulpy '? In addition to we are the biggest victims, there is an important reason, which is the fastest progress in all nuclear power projects in the Yangtze River basin. OnlyTo unseat it, another 21 seats to, if it can be launched, the other on 21 may, were more or less in the Yangtze River basin. "Fang Guangwen their nuclear power of the Yangtze River Valley much concern to the great leap forward," the 22 companies are lining up to apply for nuclear power stations along the Yangtze River, each building is a time bomb, which way if something had happened where will it all end? "" So many nuclear power stations built, Which can be a problem, what time the problem, nobody knows. Safety is relative, insecurity is absolute. "Wang Jinzhou said, standing wangjiang angle, they want to be absolutely safe. He zuoxiu in an interview with the China economic weekly agreed that need that kind of "thousand year" contingency account, otherwise you cannot "ensure that" nuclear powerAccidents do not occur. And that "ensure" to be "absolute" to ensure that, instead of "relative" to ensure that. For example, terrorist attack, sky Meteor attacks, extreme drought sth Should be taken into account. "Event of an extreme drought, water sources dry up, will result in a catastrophic nuclear accident! For example in pengze in Jiangxi province just last year suffered a severe drought, human and animal draught are serious hardshipHow could build nuclear power plants in this area? "Because you cannot absolutely ensure that accidents do not occur, he zuoxiu is firmly against building nuclear power plants in the Mainland. But one of the leading experts in the field of domestic nuclear power said in an interview with the China economic weekly, siting of nuclear power plants in China is very strict. "Not earthquakes near the nuclear power plant, no fault, no tsunamis, noFlood, not a tornado, not away from the source of fire was near, cannot have a plane in the sky routes, population away from large towns, to be closer to the user. Moreover, nuclear safety laws are very specific, very strict enforcement. "In his view, the demands of the people for fear of nuclear power and the security is understandable, and should be taken seriously, but also should maintain aRational. "This fear often leads to irrational. For example, does not mean that a local earthquake happened cannot build nuclear power stations, but that site was not on a fault, not a big earthquake, to assess the maximum earthquake may happen in the future. "He told China economic weekly: as long as no accident, radioactive than nuclear power plants during normal operation in thermal power plants still young; sewageAlso has a very clean, far below the requirements of environmental protection. "So now is to ensure that nuclear power is not a big accident. "At the end of February, President of the Shanghai nuclear engineering research and Design Institute of Zheng Mingguang, entrusted by the relevant departments, Shanghai Academy of nuclear verification for the EIA report for the second time in the near future, concluded that the EIA does not exist in pengze County nuclear power plant site selection issues. This is obviously a resultNot accepted by wangjiang. Fang Guangwen they continue to need nuclear power project and disinterested third-party investigations, as "Shanghai Academy of nuclear workers is in pengze County nuclear power unit to provide technical support in the early employment as". Important is money important? In 2011, the Fukushima incident occurs 5 days later, the State Council issued a "four", has called for national games going nuclearMotor groups for a security check, suspend approval of a nuclear project. Not yet started "pass" of pengze County nuclear power project has been halted, the personnel of the plant gradually been diverted out of pengze. Spring in the South, it has been raining. Walk in the streets of Madang town, hehe, some sad. Prosperity for the nuclear power project services on the street of shops, hotels, restaurants, places of entertainment, and so on, orSwing gate opener left out, or the business behind closed doors, has not yet had time to complete "facilities" has become the "uncompleted". Once ambitious to build a new town of Madang town, has a population of 50,000, its brief prosperity to an abrupt end. A year ago, the revenues of 500 million small counties are dreaming days after the completion of the nuclear power plant: billions of dollars per year in taxes toDriven by economic growth and multi-billion dollar nuclear power industry. As a core project of the construction of ecological economic zone of Poyang Lake in Jiangxi province, pengze County nuclear power plant is also responsible for the energy-starved provinces have responsibility for resolving power shortage at a time. At present, near 70% in Jiangxi province coal still rely on the outward redeployment to the average transport distance of nearly 1000 km, 90% over by railway transport. Now, in the face of allQuestioning and debate on pengze County nuclear power plant, Jiangxi official selection "collective silence". Jiangxi officials who asked not to be named, told the China economic weekly said: "this is a national strategy project, final fate only by the Central lie of the project, not the Jiangxi province to decide. Our attitude is not arguing. "According to the Deputy Director of the Economic Committee of the National Committee, the nationalIntroduction to source original Zhang Guobao, before he left office, special report go to Vice Premier Li keqiang, Fukushima nuclear accident has not occurred at that time, he was anxious to be able to project the Interior. But Vice Premier Li keqiang said, hope they do a of the nuclear security plan. For nearly a year, pengze County nuclear power plant had been introduced under the nuclear security plan. ButAt a time when the plan will be submitted to the State Council, from Jiang's "nuclear terror" makes uncertain the fate of pengze County nuclear power plant. The leading experts in the field of nuclear power considered: current situation, pengze County nuclear power project estimated 2015 years ago can not Fu. "It has been said that it is interest dispute, nuclear power plant after the use of benefit-sharing could be considered in the future, I just want to askIn a Word, is important is money important? "Wang Jinzhou said, he strongly denied this. "But if it is completed, even if nuclear leakage does not occur, wangjiang County is indeed a fatal blow. "Hong Zengzhi said, at a distance of pengze County nuclear power plant site but 10 km is in wangjiang County economic development zone," the plant is kind of like an invisible ' bomb ', developmentIn the Park, those investments are likely to be removed from, people without investment will not come again. This would mean that ' no man's land '? "In accordance with the environmental regulations on radiation protection of nuclear power plant: within a 5 km radius exclusion zone can't make any construction. "Bridge port economic development zone, what should I do? Bridgeport economic development zone, is a cut-throat struggle in pengze County nuclear power plant, the two cannot coexistAh. "Fang Guangwen, told the China economic weekly, not including wangjiang County economic development zone, wangjiang also has an economic development zone, is planning the construction of the Harbour Bridge, less than 4 km away from the nuclear power plant, 2010 approved, completion is expected in 2015. Regardless of whether the demands of mind there is a dispute, but in pengze County nuclear power plant in addition to pose a security risk, wangjiang County economyThe negative impact is obvious. It is a real problem. "Leader of the Anhui Province and Jiangxi province leadership should stand at the height of the country's political interests, meet to resolve the problem. "These nuclear power experts recommended that" must take into account the interest and anxiety in Anhui, Jiangxi province, solve some real problems. You should always on the wangjiang people go to the toilet, right? "Fang Guangwen saidIf under the media opinion, still have not resolved the problem, they can only take the last step: Court Road. "To prosecute the interests of environmental impact, claim in the end. "Stop on request of the pengze in Jiangxi main contents of the report of the construction of a nuclear power plant project, population data is distorted. Pengze County nuclear power plant project is located within a 10 km radius involves wangjiang County huayangzhen, Yangwan town, Tai Chi town and many villages and towns, which huayangzhen in a 3.2 km to 10.9 km radius, resident population of 170,000, population 30,000. Pengze County nuclear power plant in 2006 reported to the assessment of material, as well as modified after 2008 population data, there are serious misrepresentation issue. Second, the earthquake do not match the criteria. Nuclear power plant is located in Jiangxi provinceJiang is located in "Jiujiang-Jingan" on the fault, an earthquake are more active in the past ten years has taken place at 3.2~5.7 level 5 magnitude earthquake. The nuclear power plant at the site said in a report on the impact and address range does not exist near active faults in the fourth quarter, a weak seismic region. Third, the neighbouring industrial zone. Nuclear power plant near the industrial area, the plant site selection stage of EIA report 15No large and medium-sized enterprises within a RADIUS, which doesn't square with the facts. Within 10 km, wangjiang County economic development zone is about more than 100 companies, 20,000 workers, has invested more than 10 billion. Four, wangjiang County is about 200,000 people in the Yangtze River access to drinking water, and nuclear power plant is the opposite; distance to a radius of 50 km in Anqing 730,000 people of drinking water, also under the nuclear power plantTour. This, and not reflected in the EIA. (Editors: Cao Luç’ ) Others:

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