Saturday, March 24, 2012

diablo 3 power leveling health - BMV

129756711584531250_816On March 5, the Ministry drew attention to five meetings to review the session of the national people's Congress in 2011 and 2012 on the implementation of the Central and local budget report on the draft Central and local budgets. On behalf of members generally believe that using the budget this year has 27 chart details the various aspects, enhanced readability, fine degree of improvement in "three"Agriculture, education, social security and a series of major spending highlights frequency is in the field of people's livelihood. "Farmer" input: first Super trillions of dollars in 2011, central budget for "farmer" input exceeds $ 1 trillion for the first time. In 2012, the central financial for "farmer" will be $ 1.2 trillion in expenditures. Representative of the Shaanxi Provincial CPC Committee, Vice Chairman of the DAB Randal Zhao believes that in China "Agriculture, "go jump in for many years, and last year reached another all-time high, to strengthen the Foundation status of agriculture, to increase farmers ' income, comprehensive reform and advance the cause of rural society deepening rural development is of great significance. Vice Chairman of the National Federation of Zhang Jindong members are concerned that 2012 will be $ 10.1 billion for increasing investment in agricultural science and technology, than the 2011 growth, "The Government ' and farmers ' subsidy spending and support policies, will effectively mobilize the peasants ' production enthusiasm tera power leveling, improve the scientific and technological content of agricultural production, promoting the stable development of food production and farmers ' income has steadily increased. "Education: implementation of 4% target in 2012, China will continue to increase investment in education, ensure national financial education expenditure in gross 4% Of target. "This fully reflects the State of the importance of education. "Members of the Shanghai Jiao Tong University Institute of environment and resources law Wang Xi, in recent years, countries continue to increase investment in education, education resource allocation is not reasonable and education of disadvantaged groups, such as inadequate investment in difficult areas are effectively mitigated. Institute for fiscal science, Ministry Deputy Director Liu Shangxi said that according to preliminary testOperator, national financial education expenditure this year will exceed $ 2 trillion, more than 17% per cent public financial expenditure, seen from a financial effort, were very prominent in the world. "After the financial investment to improve, next key question is the tube and use funds well, let people feel the financial investment in education brought about by the improvement. "Randal Zhao said that countries should effectively reduceLight burden on people education, particularly good attendance, and school your issues. Spending on people's livelihood: component increasing in 2011, national financial and life of the people is directly related to education, health, housing, social security and employment protection, cultural expenditure totals 3.8108 trillion yuan, an increase of 30.3%. In 2012, only the Central FinanceIn these four areas of spending will reach 1.3848 trillion yuan, an increase of 19.8%. In 2011 tera gold, the basic medical insurance for urban residents in new rural cooperative medical and financial benefits to a standard raise to $ 200 from $ 120 per person per year. This year, residents of new-style rural and urban health-care standards of financial benefits will increase to $ 240 per person per year, achieving new rural and cityFull coverage of social endowment insurance system of town residents. Zhang Jindong members considered that the financial expenditures of the plate, people's livelihood component of expenditure increasing, is both the needs of the cause of safeguarding the people's livelihood, but also important manifestations of the structure of government expenditure continues to be optimized. "And the masses living expenditures related to the financial investment in becoming a top priority, reflected Government concerns the lives of people at the same time, Also will have a far-reaching impact on economic and social development. "Liu Shangxi, spending on education, health, housing and social security will become part of the social and public consumption, in the context of the current economic and financial efforts to increase expenditures in this area for expanding domestic demand and spur economic growth has positive effects. Financial expenses: intensified under the 2012 budgetFiscal deficit reduction of $ 50 billion, revenues grew only 9.5% cases throughout the country, our national financial expenditure will be $ 12.43 trillion, an increase of 14.1%. Where stability adjustment fund into the central budget of 270 billion yuan, to continue to implement a proactive fiscal policy and lay a solid foundation. "In the context of General debt crisis in Europe, reducing theFiscal deficit to ensure financial stability and healthy development of China. But the implementation of a proactive fiscal policy and increasing fiscal spending and, therefore, national adjustment fund continue to increase fiscal spending by budget stability, protect the 2012 implementation of a series of important economic and social development goals. "Liu Shangxi said, is currently implementing the proactive fiscal policy in China is significant, through the structuralTax cuts can increase income, reduce the burden on enterprises, so as to expand domestic demand, stimulating economic growth, and adjusting the economic structure through reasonable tax. Randal Zhao expressed that revenue and expenditure "increased reduction", go on the enterprise, structure and create good conditions, "by structural tax cut, costs are reduced, you can put in more funding for scientific research and developmentAnd industrial upgrading. "Extra-budgetary funds: included in budget management in financial expenditure increasing at the same time, budget supervision in China and fine level significantly improved. In 2011, the total abolition of extrabudgetary funds in China, will be included in the budget management. At the same time, 92 Central sector to the public sector budget and financial allocation table, and accounts for the public sector, publicBudget all open. On behalf of members generally believe that fine degree of readability of the budget this year and increasing public transparency significantly enhanced diablo 3 power leveling, especially many of the relevant departments of the Central and local public "three funds" spending circumstances, fully embodies the finances for the people, and consciously accept the supervision of the people's determination. "Fine degree of budget continues to improve, the more publicTo the higher, can guarantee the people's livelihood, ' farmer ' policy funds in place in time, and effective control of the unnecessary waste, further improve the efficiency of the use of fiscal funds. "Wang Xi said. (Editors: Zheng Shuncai) Others:

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