Tuesday, March 27, 2012

diablo 3 power leveling leave no stone unturned is walked out of - ZTV

This year after September, price of domestic steel products declines twice continuously, but the situation with rolled steel the worst market has not come, appear likely sole of the ability after triple wave drops picks up. Most viewpoint thinks, produce can excessive releasing is the main factor that price of this round of rolled steel declines. But newest the statistical data that publish shows, chinese iron and steel was produced 2011 can release apparent under 6 years of average levels, did not appear unusual situation. Accordingly swtor credits, be necessary to be besides supply demand relations, explore mainer reason. Iron and steel is produced not can superfluous after entering this century, a particular year of majority of crop of Chinese crude steel carries the growth state of two digit. Arrive from 2005 2010, average year crop adds crude steel fast for 13.8% , erupt only of global banking crisis 2008, sharp fall after a rise goes to amplitude of crop of countrywide crude steel 1.1% . 2011 accumulative total of 1 11 month, crop of countrywide crude steel is six hundred and thirty million nine hundred and eighty thousand tons, than last year the corresponding period grows 9.8% , predict about 680 million tons to produce per year a quantity completely, than going up year grow 10% to control, perhaps be less than 10% , with added fast cardinal principle to comparative 2010, and the average growth level that comes under 6 years apparently, reach iron and steel was produced 2011 hard can release conclusion too much. 2011, the two big remote that Chinese crude steel consumes close industry manufacturing industry and bldg. to all be paid no attention to want. Data of national statistic bureau shows, 2011 accumulative total of 1 11 month, countrywide industry raises a cost compared to the same period amplitude is 13.3% , fixed assets investment is added compared to the same period fast for 24.5% , relatively level of growth of the corresponding period had more fall after a rise last year. Invest among them add fast in eliminate rises in price outside the element, fall after a rise of border increase rate is actually more. The China November purchases handler index also fall after a rise arrives the vicissitude line lower part of 50. Suffer its to affect, although annual rolled steel consumes growth level occurrence fall after a rise tera power leveling, but the growth level that as a result of its manufacturing industry and bldg. maintained 10% above, and the better performance of immediate outcome, consumption of estimation annual crude steel (full requirements, contain immediate outcome) also be in draw close to 700 million tons, increase scope won't under 8% , cardinal principle of integral supply demand relations is balanced, not be very serious at least beg for be more than. People can'ts help wanting to ask, if cardinal principle of supply demand relations is balanced, perhaps seek rate for be more than and not serious, below the condition that why improves in cost, a few months come peak period of rolled steel market not flourishing, is price annulus compared drop considerably? Price of analytic rolled steel relatively decline substantially reason, besides rolled steel price rises first half of the year too too big, fierce, produced a few foam, oneself needs to adjust beyond, more since depending on second half of the year, economy of inside and outside anticipates aggravation, manufacturing operator and investor panic haze are enveloped spread, hit market confidence badly. This kind of haze is panicky, basically come from two respects. It is Euramerican debt crisis worsens continuously. Enter after 2011, euramerican debt crisis, especially European debt crisis grows in intensity, fail to see effective solution up to now. If euro area breaks down, cause world economy to ebb badlier likely, it is unprecedented economic great depression even. Below this kind of circumstance, the foreign trade of Chinese iron and steel exports certainly will to be pounded badly, include meantime to receive exit and immediate outcome two respects. The 2 adjusting control policy that are domestic constrictive demand. To be on guard of prices rise too quickly, before paragraph period, concerned branch published a few constrictive measure that control demand, be restricted to buy to car and residence, especially financial orgnaization is added generally continuously breath, deposit reserve rate promotion comes unprecedented level. Project of new go into operation decreases with what actual construction measures, also can produce very big impact to building rolled steel to consume. Because afore-mentioned a few big remote involve the current situation with not hopeful industry and its current, appear likely even the anticipation of worse situation, heavy retype attacked market confidence, market panic haze is enveloped. Operator of rolled steel production and investor in succession undersell, should undertake every year even " rolled steel winter store " also get very big impact, by the ceaseless explore that caused rolled steel price from this, oppress the raw material price such as iron ore declines then. Hold to resource long term layout from henceforth a paragraph of period looks, the biggest influencing factor of market of Chinese rolled steel, will be the whole world " help city " , and affect the Chinese macroscopical policy under in its relatively adjust substantially. Grow in intensity " Euramerican debt crisis " , especially European debt crisis, those who caused world economy to ebb badlier is anxious. Appear to prevent this kind of catastrophic situation, each country Central Bank continues to increase to the possibility of market infuse fluidity. If one step aside uses system of world main economy,imprint bank note machine, fluidity will enter the market in great quantities diablo 3 power leveling, such doing have dilute corporeal money already, push the heavy goods price such as tall iron ore, metal. From which, will for a long time look, price of global heavy goods will still continue perch moves, the prices trend such as international market oil, metal, ore still concussion up, cross early days to be nodded high in succession even. Below this kind of circumstance, we must hold to layout of long-term resource strategy. The times henceforth, still be " resource is king " times, it is a resource cannot duplicate, money is OK and much black-and-white times. The heavy goods prices such as international market iron ore, metal is short-term fall after a rise, cannot change long-term " spread of commodity close price " trend. Below this kind of circumstance, china wants utmost ground to use source of good place foreign capital, urge a company ore of first use entrance, coal. China concerns branch and steely company, want to formulate the long-term strategy of global resource layout. At the same time have the aid of at having the foreign exchange reserve of 3 trillion dollar, leave no stone unturned is walked out of, buy the resource such as iron ore, cooking coal more as far as possible, encourage resource of first use entrance, include resources rights and interests and resource product two respects. In the meantime, encourage steely enterprise to run a plant to the investment outside the condition even, improve buccal raw material to be rolled steel of entrance finished product. This also is to realize diversification of Chinese foreign exchange reserve, objective to change, capitalization, rights and interests is changed, it is important to avoid serious value losing way, also be China implementation is energy-saving decrease a platoon, adjust the important facet of economic structure. Responsibility edits: NF050 Others:

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