Thursday, March 22, 2012

tera gold including central water conservancy provides $ 114.1 billion - WPV

129765211411718750_18Liu Hongyi Hu Qun basic water conservancy construction in China are facing financing difficulties. Newspaper reporter said people close to the China, Henan in the Middle route of South-North water transfer for a sum of approximately $ 6.4 billion bank capital in place, resulting in Henan section was forced to shutdown. Henan North Office has denied this. North Henan Office staff Tian Zihong told reporters construction of Henan sectionFunding for project funding from the Project Office of the State Council, as a project of construction of unit they are not short of money. And the reporter from the agricultural development Bank of China (ADBC for short), Henan branch is aware, as early as 2011, Agriculture Development Bank "Tepi" a sum amounting to $ 6.4 billion in loans, but because some of the procedures of project-related notLine up, the money has been granted. When journalists call the South-North water transfer project on the project of Henan section down pollution, the former Vice President of the Chinese Academy of environmental sciences, head of planning when Xia Qing, he told reporters: "South-North water transfer project as a whole is being carried out smoothly, do not exclude individual project suspended for several reasons. "But the basis remains hard to cover up China's water conservancy constructionSet financial embarrassment. "Since 2011 local financing platform consolidation, in fact the current water conservancy investment in agricultural development Bank of China, other banks have stopped lending. But the Head Office of agricultural development Bank funds now nervous, so many water conservancy project was forced to suspend. "Henan provincial branch of Agriculture Development Bank Executive recently told reporters. Funds into "critical timeThe window "is under construction in the Middle route of South-North water transfer East line project of two total 1890 km respectively and 1430 km long canal that 330,000 people immigrant, which cost up to 500 billion worth of projects are under financial pressure. According to a person familiar with the matter said, up to now by the State Development Bank and workers, farmers, and built, consisting of eight banksConsortium, to South-North water transfer project supported by the loan amount has a total of more than $ 43 billion, but it would not be enough. By the end of December 2011, first stage of middle route project of South-North water transfer East, projects with a total investment amounting to $ 163.6 billion. This reporter learned from the Project Office of the State Council, water districts in six provinces should be turned over to the Central Fund amounted to $ 22 billion, but as of 2011In late October, Beijing has been paid out, the other 5 provinces and cities still accumulated unpaid 4.948 billion yuan South-North water transfer project funds. In addition, West route of South-North water transfer project is still in the "preparation". Market participants believe that West has not started, is to a large extent under the influence of money. Because once the construction of the West line, will cost more than the existing Central and East cost and�� South-North water transfer project financing for three channels, the central budget funding, turned over to the South-North water transfer project funds around along the second engineering and the third is to borrow from the Bank. In 2004, the State Council formally approved the establishment of the South-North water transfer funds and demanded Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Henan, Shandong, Jiangsu and respective from more than 2 billion to more than 70 in 6 provincesMillion project of Fund collection and payment, which the portion of the costs were requested from all charges levied by charging. But the actual financing of the Fund is not optimistic. At the end of last year, project Fund amounting to $ 14.4 billion. According to the Ministry of finance published the 2010 national financial accounts, 2010 South-North water transfer project expenditure budget of the Fund of 3.762 billion yuan, Number of accounts for $ 1.83 billion, actually raised less than half of the budget. Despite the State's Ministry of finance, the State development and Reform Commission, the Audit Commission and the Project Office of the State Council jointly issued a circular on strengthening Fund collection of South-North water transfer project, but so far, people familiar with the matter said, collection of project funds the actual situation is not satisfactory, it is difficult to meet the construction of South-North water transfer projectFunding needs. People familiar with the matter said, banks, of South-North water transfer project is a very special "customers", because it is often based on project needs, feasibility report of the project is still at the same time, synchronization of engineering design and construction issued loans. Project Office of the State Council are busy to borrow money. In December 2011, State Council for South-North water transfer project constructionCommittee Office and China Pacific insurance group of companies has signed a total of 40 billion yuan of financing contracts, the money will be used for the first stage of middle route project of South-North water transfer East, engineering, insurance industry, by far the largest single investment project. And this year will be the South-North water transfer project funds with the most critical period, "because in 2013 will ensure project completion,2014 water "project of Henan section staff member told a press conference. Water Conservancy investment in "peak of the Decade" on March 2, the Central Bank, the national development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Finance jointly issued the seven ministries, that it would actively encourage diversified investment and finance, boot more financial resources into areas of water conservancy construction. The paper pointed out that policies will encourage water companies to IPO in the future (the first timePublic offering of shares) financing, while supporting the public water enterprise through open, directional add-issuance, the issuance of additional debt refinancing of listed companies. "Water Conservancy investment in 2012 will be higher, Central giving of water conservancy investment of more than $ 140 billion", on February 16, China's Ministry of water resources Zhou Xuewen, the Chief Planner, planning Secretary said. Zhou XuewenGel, over the next decade the country's water conservancy investment will reach $ 4 trillion, "Twelve-Five" during water conservancy investment will reach $ 1.8 trillion. It is understood that the 2011 national water conservancy construction investment to implement 345.2 billion yuan, including central water conservancy provides $ 114.1 billion diablo 3 power leveling, local water investments reached $ 231.1 billion central funds provided by the multi-billion dollar mark for the first time.However, the actual situation is not optimistic. Due to the consolidation of loans continues, "financing loans company is the one of the sources of water project construction in 2011, Central, first extract the 10% file from the land revenue for water conservancy construction. But the reality is, as the strict regulation of real estate, land market is in the doldrums, this local loansWater Fund is difficult to maintain. "The Vice President of the Chinese people's University, College of agricultural and rural development Zheng fangtian said to reporters. And with regard to bank loans, these executives told reporters of the Henan branch of Agriculture Development Bank tera gold, ADB loan approval authority has been taken now head office, although some continued in, but the slow pace of new water projects due to lack of funds. InCentral economic work Conference has explicitly put forward the end of 2011, "as key in rural infrastructure construction of water conservancy, made to raise funds and increase investment", the seven ministries below the support of water conservancy construction for the market to see new hope. The Chinese Minister of water resources, Chen Lei, recently said that, seven ministries below that will actively encourage diversified investment main, Expected this year, will speed up the construction of water conservancy. Heads of South-North water transfer project and pollution control planning, former Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Environment Sciences in an interview with reporters, said Professor Xia Qing, supported the construction of water conservancy policy is clear, expects this year's city water conservancy ecological engineering, river regulation carried out more quickly, followed around the small watershed, flood control project will also expand. But because of the water workerDrive cycle and the payback period is longer, require policies to protect. Due to the current economic situation, policy does not appear soon. "Commercial banks on local financing platform has become more cautious. Joint below or from the seven ministries will restart the bank credit support for water conservancy projects. "Shanghaicaijingdaxue Xi Junyang think, Deputy Director of the research center of modern finance. Discreet private capitalFile also published seven ministries said, guiding private capital to enter the water conservancy construction, but there is no indication that private capital will be active in the sector. "The high capital costs of water conservancy construction, long cycle, rate is too low. Water conservancy projects are attracting we have here, is a bank loan. "One person water system in Heilongjiang province told reporters, but heBelieve that private capital will not be easily involved. "In addition to the low rate of return, private capital entering before moderate release of monopoly areas such as roads, later encounters the risk policy, private capital into the water sector are more cautious now. "Said one of Heilongjiang water system. Wenzhou Zhou Dewen, President of the Association for the development of SMEs believe that the Government encourage private capital investmentChinese water conservancy construction, two issues need to be resolved, first, set a reasonable return, second is the policy to have continuous. As soon as you address these two issues, private capital will invest. "2009 there have been local governments introducing civil capital clean waterways, developing small hydropower, but then was halted, leading to private capital cannot easily invest in water conservancy projects. "Zhou Dewen told reporters.Xi Junyang believes that private capital than banks to pursue more of the proceeds, water conservancy project can be favored by private capital, to see the project itself benefit. But the reality is that a long time project of water conservancy facilities as a livelihood tera gold, weak investment and financing concepts, operational efficiency and built water conservancy facilities, private capital lack sufficient incentive to invest. "Banks and civilMore willing to invest in capital city water conservancy projects, and even on farmland by the financial funding to be earmarked, otherwise difficult to ensure that the implementation of the project. "Zheng fangtian not without concern. It is understood that the "Twelve-Five" $ 180 million investment in water conservancy planning in about 360 billion yuan for the construction of Water Conservancy works, and of water conservancy investment in irrigation and water conservancy construction is "major losses���� "Farmers grow an acre is only earned $ 7.5, how much water do you let him pay for water conservancy construction? "Zheng fangtian pointed out that water conservancy construction projects such as urban water supply and so on, can collect water from city residents time to revenue, and urban water supply project of private financing is relatively easy. Irrigation and water conservancy Foundation facilities should be of pure public welfare, it is difficult to commercialization, should be determined by the financialPolitical funds goes straight, irrigation and water conservancy construction fund has mainly relied on local water investments. Online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk. Others:

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