Friday, March 23, 2012

diablo 3 power leveling or risk facing appears as a Congressional Decree the additional pressure. "

129756711514687500_647News Beijing time on March 7, New York State Senator, and Senate Democrats, the third Charles Schumer (Charles e. Schumer), Apple and Google have agreed to meet with him, smart phone vulnerabilities discussed issues related to the right to privacy, this loophole allows applications with no obstacles to get userPersonal photo. According to the New York Times last week reported that the developers without the user's knowledge to get photos on Apple and Google Android smart phone; in the case of Apple, developers have access to location information for each photo. Schumer said in a telephone interview, his subordinate Office has engaged in a dialogue with Apple and Google officials on Monday。 "We asked whether they could rely on their own strength to find a way to block access to private information, they are very friendly and open to ideas of this situation should be changed. "According to Google spokesman Gina Scigliano, at present the company not to comment on this issue. Apple has not been available for comment. Schumer said on Sunday, he sent a letter to United StatesThe Federal Trade Commission (FTC) tera gold, requested the Committee to investigate Apple and Google on the privacy. The Federal Trade Commission spokesman kelaodiya·boen·falaier (Claudia Bourne Farrell) said that the Committee had received the letter, but she did not provide more information. Schumer in his Federal Trade CommissionerWrote in a letter: "just think of the user's personal photos, address book, and other information will be (developers), and even without user consent is posted online, it will cool in make people feel that spine. "He said:" If there is such a privacy ' invasion ' technology opens the door tera power leveling, so sure there will also be closed the gates of technologies diablo 3 power leveling, whichMust be within our grasp. "Schumer said, if Apple and Google could not reach an agreement to resolve the problem, then he will be forced to take further measures. He also said that other companies have indicated their willingness to cooperate and its subordinate offices to solve this problem. "I'm not by any regulatory measures we can change that optimism; but if notTo change, then we'll look at how the Federal Trade Commission to do; if it is not, then we will consider adopting legislative measures. "According to the Federal Trade Commission has issued a warning, the company must be in the area of consumer privacy alert. Privacy and identity protection departments of the Commission Vice Chairman Christopher Olsen (Christopher n. Olsen) recently said in an interview with the New York Times: "the industry should reinforce its efforts to focus on privacy, or risk facing appears as a Congressional Decree the additional pressure. "(Editor: Yin Liang) Others:

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