Sunday, April 1, 2012

diablo 3 gold 129771810012124810_59 - QMO

129771810012124810_59"The United Kingdom broadcasting company's website on March 23," announced on Friday the European Union Syria wife Gladys Asmah * of * President Bashar Al-Assad Assad, as well as other family members to implement the travel ban, prohibiting their entry into the EU and freezing their assets in the EU. EU officials said that the new sanctions would be if BA Shar around 12 people, including his mother.However United Kingdom border authorities said that they can't ban BA Shar wife Gladys Asmah immigrant United Kingdom, because she is a United Kingdom citizen. Gladys Asmah married in 2000 before he was an investment banker working in the city of London. She in Syria has maintained a relatively low profile. However, in February of this year, Gladys Asmah in the United Kingdom on the times published an article explaining why sheShould still think Bashar is Syria's leaders. Last week, Syria disclosed 3,000 opposition activists allegedly Bashar and his wife's private e-mail. Displays Gladys Asmah has been in these messages through the network from the United Kingdom and other parts of Europe to buy luxury goods. Damascus in recent weeks the Government has stepped up on Syria cities repression against the action. Anti-Who says, every day there are dozens of people have been killed by Government armed forces. But repression of failing to prevent anti-Government protests continued. The United Nations and the League of Syria Envoy this weekend visit to Moscow and Beijing to discuss Annan's solution Syria crisis. "The United Kingdom on March 23 the Daily Telegraph Web site" United Kingdom Foreign Secretary Hague acknowledged that while the EU issued a travel ban, But not against Syria President Bashar Al-Asad's wife, was born in the United Kingdom the Gladys Asmah into the United Kingdom. But given the current situation, it is estimated that Gladys Asmah will not back to the United Kingdom. Gladys Asmah and Bashar's family has been banned from entering EU countries, Gladys Asmah freeze assets in these countries and the European Union. EU Foreign Ministers also expressed Syria 8 Ministers of the Government implemented a banAnd another two Syria enterprises ' assets have been frozen. "The United Nations website on March 23," United Nations Human Rights Council on March 23 to 41 votes in favour to 3 against, with 2 abstentions vote adopted a resolution, reiterated its condemnation of Syria the authorities of grave violations of human rights, and decided to extend the Syria mandate of the independent investigation Committee of the human rights situation, so that following theCasualties continued to investigate human rights violations and regularly updated. Russia, China believed that the draft resolution failed to balance reflected in countries such as Syria, not conducive to a constructive solution to the crisis, therefore cast a negative vote. The resolution strongly condemning Syria continued escalation of acts of large-scale, gross violations of human rights, urged the Government to immediately cease all acts of violence and to implementUNITA last November made plan of action aimed at resolving the crisis. Before the vote on the draft resolution, Russia Ambassador regeluofu stated that Syria opposition groups carried out anti-Government violence, some information collected by the human rights defenders shows that armed opposition groups kidnap Government officials, civilians and soldiers. Therefore, Russia proposed a resolutionOral amendments to the draft tera gold, require text reflected in Syria the terrorist attacks. However, the amendment could not be obtained by the Human Rights Council. Regeluofu regrets. Ambassador Liu Zhenmin, China has consistently advocated constructive dialogue and cooperation, and properly handle the differences in human rights, and hoped that the Human Rights Council in an impartial, objective, non-selectiveWork, the Chinese side highly concern Syria developments diablo 3 gold, strong advocates, properly resolve the current crisis peacefully through political dialogue. Unfortunately is, the draft resolution failed to embody the principle of equilibrium. Russia, China and Cuba had voted, Ecuador and Uganda abstained diablo 3 gold, voted in favour of the remaining 41 States. Others:

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