Sunday, April 8, 2012

tera power leveling consumer's delay in start of spring clothing - BGV

129773184437343750_113Hexun homepage established mobile phone version of the stock/fund comprehensive information of agricultural products of micro-blogging news blog spot rolling news channel reported outside the industrial focus column in the CFTC positionProblems getting started with futures prices traded futures position conversion tool for financial calendar investment skills basic knowledge comprehension Futures Forum line Futures Forum team during the selection of experts > body font size print RSS on March 26, 2012: 13lai source: daily futures author: Pang Chunyan on the premise of some potential benefit might break out at any time, PTA or maintain oscillation in high or even moderate impact on.  Therefore tera power leveling, it is really short time not ripe for PTA. Filament inventory deposit index, however, due to the first half of this no PX newCapacity production, compared with more than 3 million tons of PTA new equipment put into operation, in addition to production devices in the first half of the second half looking for PX supply, so tight PX market expected strong and PX prices is expected in the future will continue to maintain a strong trend. Despite the violent oscillations in crude oil prices in the near future, but still remain high, there is no clear down signal, stonesCerebral high oil prices, upstream movement of raw materials on the strong also have strong support on the PX, which blocked the PTA fall.   PX supply expected no significant increase in downstream PTA and polyester do not have substantial production cuts before action, PX will continue to maintain a strong trend, costs on the PTA support. Seasonal or relief to the market early, the Department introduced spinningKnitting and clothing export data as well as the domestic textile and apparel retail shows that large shopping centres, current textile and clothing exports and domestic demand is weak, not optimistic for the future needs of the market. However, from recent authors participating in PTA spring survey and the situation of China chemical fiber Forum, for a more full understanding of the current situation in the market and prepare now polyester enterprise in StateIs the wait.   From the perspective of historical experience, after the April market may be getting better. We expect the pet inventory continued to rise in the late little space. Generally low temperatures throughout the country this spring, is already the end of March, but people still need to be dressed in winter clothing, consumer's delay in start of spring clothing tera gold, this is the garment consumption this year is not good for a reason. And later as the dayWarming of the air, spring clothing summer consumption is expected to gradually start season without Mong, even though it might appear, but during the season to market demand might moderate relief. Weaving Enterprise-free raw materials is the potential benefit from the downstream businesses in the near future, weaving enterprise has no raw material inventory is already a recognized fact in the industry. Current stock with weaving enterprisesWith buying, inventory levels are far lower than the normal value, it could become a potential benefit of promoting PTA rose in the late factors. Psychology effect of rise in value and not dropped, if polyester silk and cotton prices slowly rebounded tera gold, it will stimulate the downstream businesses moderately well stocked, in favour of slowing polyester Enterprise Inventory pressure. If there are needs to start with the PTA could be a wave of fastOn the speed rush.   Therefore, PTA around future demand will continue to be a major factor. To sum up, although markets generally believe that PTA's future trend, but at the cost of support remains strong, demand is anticipated, as well as some of the potential benefit of premise could break out at any time, PTA or maintain oscillation in high or even moderateWashed, so there is really short time not ripe for PTA. (Author: yongan futures) Others:

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