Sunday, April 8, 2012

tera gold - BLB

129773932959375000_169March is the traditional metal consumption season, but due to downstream Enterprise starts slow recovery, increasing aluminum stock and Shanghai aluminum prices the main force of coercion, run narrowing the interval. The current macroeconomic environment fundamentals in leading the Shanghai aluminum and aluminum in what direction? Data to improve in the near future, as risk aversion to improve despite recent mixed economic data released tera power leveling, but overall a good castFunding risk aversion to improve. United States on March 17 when the number of applications for unemployment benefits the week since February 2008 the lowest levels, employment data continued to hold up well into a positive signal for the market. The Federal Reserve on interest rate meeting released ' "United States Economic Outlook bright" mantra is also conducive to reducing investor pessimism. France, Germany and China in March, manufacturing, service sector data isn't doing well, but the euroConsumer confidence rose for three consecutive months, risk aversion in the market has improved. National March of HSBC Manufacturing PMI initial 48.1 per cent, fell to a four-month low. $ 25.52 trillion of foreign exchange in late February than in January growth rate reduced nearly to 80%, and weak external demand, domestic and imported under the condition of strong foreign investment, Exchange still is expected to decline, the Central BankHedge reduction pressure on short-term. Recent investor fear gauge VIX at 15 per cent, was low since 2011, shows that market sentiment ease investors using metal and other risk assets value of the external atmosphere is better. Aluminium growth continued, weakening phase on the latest increase in stock inventory for 366,000 tons of aluminum, rise of 2,273 tons over the previous week, increasingSite renders narrow the situation. Spot aluminum inventories fell last week, from the supply side, electrolytic aluminum production in January and February is 1.476 million tons and 1.536 million tons respectively, up growth and 12.31% respectively, primary aluminum supply continued to increase in four months. From the aluminium plant starts March primary aluminum supply remains high tera power leveling, but up the inventory slowdown,Indicates that lower consumer demand amplification. Episodes in the callback procedure last week, spot resilient performance: on the one hand, market rumours that Indonesia will start in May of restrictions on its exports of bauxite, higher tariffs on bauxite exports, was boosted by higher alumina prices expected; on the other hand, traders based on weather, starts in the lower rate of recovery is expected to be reluctant to sell out, cash discountShrink to flat water, that downstream aluminum consumption began to play a supporting role. Real estate regulatory relaxation of aluminium consumption as one of the two main subjects, in addition to steady growth, the lack of domestic production and marketing of new ideas. Another al-the main consumers--real estate in the Government stresses that regulatory policy should not relax and relax first mortgage of an aspect in the fall out of use. February housing boomIndex to 97.89, January-February 24% area of land transactions fell in 13 major cities, shows that real estate is not a full recovery from the winter early. Premier Wen Jiabao, in two sessions, at a press conference that "home prices are far from return to reasonable price", investors concerned that real estate regulatory policy will further raise. But is worthy of note, since the end of December last year mortgageHad been relaxing, first suite of credit line increase and loan interest rates also fell, demand after the fall in house prices begin to approach, major cities in China since mid-February tera gold, the commercial transactions continued to pick up. Housing Department affirmed that no longer impose tougher control policy, the Government continues to seek balance in the regulation and economic growth, real estate development also in the twists and turns, growth in demand for aluminumAction will continue. United States employment data continues to be good, continuous rise in euro-zone consumer confidence as well as short-term bank hedge reduction of pressure increase, overall improvement in risk aversion, as rising metal prices of risky assets such as building a better external environment. While the primary aluminum supply increasing trend is clearly, but the growing convergence of aluminum futures and spot inventories grew by, indicating thatLower demand start. Terminal sales continue to pick up strengthening aluminum demand growth forecast. Tariffs on Indonesian bauxite rumors consolidated cost of electrolytic aluminium support. In view of the above factors support and Shanghai aluminum triangle bottom support, more likely select the triangle to the DEA. (Author: future of the Yangtze River) online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, Does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk. Others:

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