Tuesday, April 10, 2012

tera gold The history of Ming - ZDK

129773438963906250_1081This was recorded in the abstracts from the rise and fall of perpetual calendar: change of dynasty and author of the rise and fall of national enlightenment: Fang Zhiyuan publishing: the commercial press after liquidation, retaliation, the Feng Bao and Zhang Ju-Zheng, xiaoshizongwanli Emperor said to be riding high. Tower Zhang juzheng, three mountain collapsed on their own, none of this was expected, but 60 years or notTo Ah. Yen Sung, and the age not the Cabinet. Second, Feng Bao, were themselves easily moved to Nanjing, became a desert stone. Mother after she and the third mountain, also in one's own invective in the back seat, no longer interfere with politics. Hehe results, make shizongwanli the Emperor happy. In recent years, he really feels the Emperor happy,Feel the Emperor's authority. But the good times do not last long, and after a short time, Wanli Emperor finds herself in a new headache. If Zhang juzheng was still alive, and may be able to help him to remove this annoyance. But for now, he wants someone to take the monotony. So, Wanli Emperor met with nothing to worry about at all? It's said that his family, because the Emperor's family alwaysContact together. During the six years, Wanli Emperor's 16 years of age, under the auspices of Li Taihou in mother, also in the Cabinet of the then Secretary of the monitoring eunuch Feng Bao and Fu Zhang juzheng under bustle, wedding, set a one girl named Wang as Empress. The King of Queens has a dignified manner, serving Li Taihou special soul and so won her love. Due to her character, xiaoshizongwanli HuangAlthough not very like her, very respected her. But unfortunately is that the Empress Wang did not birth. We said earlier that the Wanli Emperor in a new trouble tera gold, and is closely related to this Wang Huanghou no birth. Wang Huanghou not reproductive, Wanli Emperor the other woman has fertility, daughter doesn't count, he had eight sons. The eldest son of the Wanli Emperor Zhu Changluo was born in ten year of perpetual calendarIn August, at this time, Zhang Ju-Zheng has been dead for two months. Wanli Emperor the son's mother, Queen and the same surname, also surnamed Wang, but she was the mother of Emperor Wanli Emperor Li Taihou one Maid of Chi-Ning in the Palace. According to the history of the Ming · Imperial concubines records, this surname occurs between the maid He Wanli Emperor Wang's story by accident, was a dissolute young irresponsible and between a poor womanThe story. Happens at the end of nine years of perpetual calendar day. Wanli Emperor, as usual, came to mothers living in Chi-Ning-Sies, saw this surname Wang maid. Later, it turns out, Wanli Emperor against the palace women have no feelings at all, let alone like, but this day Debby tera gold, Wanli Emperor's private fortune Palace women. Is this a personal blessing, Royal Palace woman was pregnant.According to the national system of the Ming dynasty, Emperor's deeds, eunuch records with his study, this record has a name, called a "personal note". The system in the Han dynasty, there have been at least, has been to pass on to the Ming dynasty. Under the Ming dynasty Royal "family discipline", regardless of which female sex and the Emperor, the women are qualified for a reward, eunuch of the instrument roomThis happened when, where, who, as well as gift items, are recorded. Once the future "Dragon child" was born, which is based on. And, this kind of thing to be reported to the Queen Mother, let her son know what is done. So, in theory guarantees that "Dragon seed" pure fraud. Emperors of the Ming dynasty is the son of a fake, there is no clear record, But the military governors Wang Zhong counterfeit products are exposed. The Wanli emperor was less than 20 years old, although the private palace women, but do not want to let people know, or watch her. So, although the instrument room eunuch records this incident, but did not dare to report to the Queen Mother. Until her found the palace women pregnant, know the truth. Although we all hide, but the Empress Dowager was very happy. BecauseFrom the family, her grandmother from the Affairs of tera power leveling, if it is a son, Throne heirs, the King's eldest son. Wang Huanghou Palace five years in particular, are not, and Wang maid pregnant of, note that infertility is not the responsibility of his son and daughter-in-law. If this is the case, son and the girl at the other concubines, son, his grandchildren, granddaughterAlso holds. However, when the Empress Dowager to the Wanli Emperor when asked about it, the Emperor is about taking it. Ask urgent, simply act shamelessly, saying no matter. Emperor's attitude, make her unhappy. She asked people to "personal notes", to the emperor himself. The evidence is ironclad, the Emperor cannot deny, had to admit. Her son see this attitude that he does not like the palace women, goodPersuade said: "I am really getting old, still no sun. Fruit man, Zong Shefu. "(The history of Ming? Imperial concubines), in her intervention, also in the palace women during early pregnancy, "the mother's honour increases as her son's position rises", during the April 10, as "Prince Gong Fei". Four months later, Wang Gongfei was born a son. The son is the King's eldest son of the Wanli Emperor, named "Chang Luo". (Responsible editor: Zhu Xiaoshi) Others:

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