Friday, April 6, 2012

tera power leveling not to confuse one thing - JWU

129773822386406250_12Pan Wei and Sun Nan born female on the first time after an opening three marriage to feel Pan Wei's interview. (A) Sun Nan celebration new single they denied his wife Pan Wei (video), the Beijing News reported on March 27 of the host of the travel channel Pan Wei another identity seems to be more cause for concern – singer Sun NaN (micro-blogging) wife. In 2009, and bought Red Sun Nan to marry after divorce Pan Wei, called entertainment one of the sensational news of the year, butAll kinds of rumors, the party remained silent. Last September, two daughters born half a year later, Pan Wei comeback, she presided over the travel channel last week launch ceremony of the 2012 golf tournament, and will soon be returned to the day of golf. On this opportunity, Pan Wei received a Wen Wei Po reporter an exclusive interview. Talking about work, she smiled motioning: "no way down is quite nice! "SheSay, your talent is to be a good housewife, and Sun Nan appeared to her "get away with": "with him before I was married I was a host of the no name, I never thought he would change after marriage. A long time ago, I dreamed of a warm family, with TCM knowledge to take care of my family, children do eat free when folding origami, woven knit sweater forth… And now, these are implemented. "On the Sun Nan transposition and think, do you have the courage to divorce? The Beijing News: 2009 messages about your marriage, much of the media coverage, why do you never speak out? Pan Wei: we were both married, his father and mother, my father and mother, his brothers and sisters, my brothers and sisters, his friend, my friends are sincere good wishes,All of this would have been enough. Don't hurt any person you encounter in life, we are based on this principle, to remain silent. The Beijing News: his attitude? Pan Wei: he is pained me more: "because I am a public figure, to marry you brought so much harm to you, your life changes so much, I can only love you more. I can't say how my wife is with everyone, But I can do is to love you more, so that you get from me. "Beijing News: before you didn't expect this news hype? Pan Wei: the wedding we went to the Home Office, home block, we thought we had a low profile, but people talk in the world. Fun is, the attendant said: "the groom quite like Sun NaN", until you have run banquetThey did not think it was Sun NaN. My father told friends and family that "Wai Wai is getting married", they did not make it clear who was married to, eat half found Sun nan, everyone is very excited. The Beijing News: Sun Nan what attracts you most? Pan Wei: simple, sunny, can bring to people happiness. As a singer of eating on their own image, he does not know the divorceWhat did he mean? Don't he know it would have an impact on his career? He did not know his public image will do so much hurt? He knew, but he was still married to me, so I was looking up to him. Not every man has the courage to make such a decision. A lot of people unhappy marriages blessed, but barely maintained, said that for the children, but it is onlyA banner that was more to public image, reputation, social status, property. Many people accuse Han sun Nan cannot be, if transposed to think, do you have the courage? The Beijing News: Golf is your matchmaker? Pan Wei: Golf is our common interests, we all love to watch movies, Opera, sliding Board, not every night before we had children studying time. He is so funny, First half an hour before going to bed I read to him every day, he says, can I read, I like to read. He particularly appreciate I play golf, wood, because I drive so far, not to worry, he took me out to play ball, I opened up the ball would say "play too long face, with my wife! "He often joked," you better be (national team) pick away! ”On the marriage Beijing News I was telling his best objects: when a single mother for so long, and then meet a marriage takes a lot of courage? Pan Wei: this is something that comes naturally, hard not. Some say "twice and married Pan Wei", Sun NaN: are these fools? He got here, he has his own mind and ability to distinguish. Is not, as some people say, that "Sun NanMarry me? Will you marry me? "I was not only lovers of Sun nan, also is the mother of his children, his life partner, hand in hand to the old people. He is a normal man, flesh and his ideas, and he is growing up. Sometimes I joke I said both would like to thank him, he gave me a growing environment, in turn I also helped him grow up. I learned to accept myself, one of myCut, my emotions, illness, aging, not perfect, since I created my own, I was unique in the world no one can copy me with no alternative. The Beijing News: ever struggled and hesitate? Pan Wei: when first married. I think I'm neither young nor beautiful, I had more than 40 years, although he told me at the same age, but he is particularly dynamic, sunshine, love sports tera gold, I haveA little worried. But now had no such worries and concerns at all, I give the life he wanted, gave his flowing, warm home, this is what he wanted. The Beijing News: many people believe that divorce is the most injured children. Pan Wei: life is very long, it does not mean that they do not have children, do not love their children. Why not split open, not to confuse one thing? Not here with people who love to play all day, the extent of damage to their children? Of course, the divorce is not good, I bought a book to single parent families to grieve--my dad is Gioni, I wanted him to share with me. He was packing his suitcase and I'll give him call it halfway he asked me, why don't you read? I have cried my choke with sobs. I was a single mother, I knowDivorced families much of harm to children. The Beijing News: what do you think of marriage is most stable? Pan Wei: trends similar to the spirit, the most important are two people need to grow up together. Some time ago he read a book of the child you, he finished with a blanket on the plane you would head crying call I got off the plane, told me he felt the way, feeling for her son,And I was telling his best object. We both have a common interest, appreciation, after reading the book, we just discussed, talked about fear, now, physical xiaowo, emotional, religious belief in Sth Too many things that can be said! I am always at home waiting for him, let him see family is warm and loving, has a wife to help him tea water, slippers, rather quiet, not necessarily how big, But be sure to warm. Talk about parenting children help their parents grow Beijing News: now that you have your baby, 20 years later when his mother, feel? Pan Wei: completely different. 20-somethings when MOM mengmengdongdong, married and had children is a natural thing, but now the feeling is entirely different: you got a point-the child is an Angel, she is to helpYou grow because growth requires a turning point. When I first started doing b-see her, look out my tears, and she was born, I didn't sleep overnight. The Beijing News: your daughter and how this little sister get along? Pan Wei: sister (Note: Pan Wei daughter with first husband) sharp pain in her than I imagined. Sister in a foreign country, we gave herFixed living expenses, run out, there's no, she had scraped together is don't buy himself clothes, gave sister bought a lot of small clothes. Her little sister in her arms, just like MOM does. Our baby is called "love child", any guests to her house she is turning music, laughs I have pain in her face, she really came on with love. Baoyao sister (Note: Sun Nan and ex-wife bought red Mei's daughter) when you comeWaiting holding her every day, I asked her why she always holds her, she said tera power leveling, "like holding dolls." Bao Yao came back a few days ago told me that school thing, she rushed baoyao sister, baoyao said, "come on, I'm not going to speak to you. "She has more music, think sister and play with her. The Beijing News: now you can say you are an enjoyable? Pan Wei: life is dull. Two tempo Yao before asking me, "aunt, what do you think is the most happy life", I say happy reading in his study is the father and sister sat in the car, I bake a cake, baoyao dozen eggs over me, daughter to me Sieve flour tera power leveling, bake the cake we ate very tasty, I think that is the most happiness. The Beijing News: you and Bo Yao, brother (Note: Sun Nan and buy RedSister's son) get along? Pan Wei: baoyao is a child of a special kind, polite, make people feel bad. She loves her father and mother, she did not feel that the father and mother separated is not love her, divorced, she felt herself to assume adult roles. She said one day: "aunt I'm looking at sensitive periods of the captured children, I would like to know her brother is nowWhat sensitive periods, I would like to help his younger brother ". And I'm an aunt, in addition to MOM and Dad's love, then give her a love aunt. Younger brother is also very cute, one day he said to me, "aunt, I don't like my sister". I say crazy, he said: "she is too stupid, do not eat, do not walk, or playing with me, do you mind if we don't sister?"Funny! He also took a liking to my sister. The day his dad bought him a Hello Kitty, he said, "Dad you help me buy one more, I want to buy one for my sister. "Beijing News: comeback again presided over the program, do you want to have any breakthrough on work? Pan Wei: the question, does not become worse (laughs), but this does not mean that I do not seriously, recorded programmes I would neverIn advance to prepare, I also like to go to work. I was the first to enter the host of the travel channel, travel channel when it is created in. For so many years, I work and also be recognized by the people. I popularity in Taiwan is good, I like the travel channel. Life in the other two Pan Wei says he is not afraid to talk about marriage and the first two paragraphs, "People are not divorced will become enemies. "Everyone in her life to help my growth and experience," life is a process of experience, all experienced before, made me today. "He was an artist of the first. I like when he was a little, he brought me a lot of help on the aesthetic, see. May I at the age of more than 20 young and beautiful, butI was, not what he wants. Some people are not divorced will become enemies, two days before I also joked that if I need anything, he would without concern. The second term he also called me a few days ago, my brother-in-law, hyperlipemia, he is a medicine that is very useful. Lying around before blasting Sun Nan and I got married when I asked him, he said: "you're not allowed to say around the explosion, she isA very good girl. I lived with her for ten years, who would not let her no harm. "I am very touched. Others:

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