Sunday, April 1, 2012

tera power leveling raise $ 4.08 billion - UIG

129773214393125000_146Dongfangcaifuwang Home financial stock new stock futures market data tera power leveling, the gem global finance bank bond insurance unit of the Hong Kong Futures Exchange gold Fund's Fund blog money-obsessed video Mobile Search blog shares/baseGold stocks blog information var SS=new StockSuggest ("StockCode_bar", arg); checkStock(true); Search Home new quarterly data flow studies annual report features data economyFund financial data data data thousands of hot new share purchase, capital flows and Research Center stocks thousands of comments on one spy too many executives holding positions for stock valuations in the net value of the Fund annual report encyclopedia CPI PPI PMI shares calendar data new share purchase of new shares on the new sharesWill first declare information of new shares of playing the new yields an additional rights issue convertible bond funds flow to the real-time ranking of funds flow to the main plate industry funds flow to the concepts of funds flow to the regional capital to capital flow monitoring report stock research report on industry research report earnings forecast policyMorning study on macro-research report brokers ' financial performance results for the 2011 year of data collection of the latest annual report annual report annual report annual report disclosure announcements sent express ranks ranks 20,121 quarterly dividend notice characteristics data go thousand units in thousands of comments on one spy too many executives holding limitedLifted big deals-sales margin futures position Guinness shareholders stock bulletin AB-share main stock price AH price shares account statistics data Fund position QFII positions positions positions to maintain warehouse brokerage insurance trust position data CPIPPI PMI GDP rate deposit reserve rate of house price indices Revenue Customs import and export of new lending rates in money supply in foreign oil entrepreneur confidence index of industrial added value of fixed assets investment total commodity price index of consumer confidence in goodsAmount of tax and foreign currency deposits with foreign investment equity account equity financial products banks financial data of statistics data bank card insurance fund data in top funds Fund valuation discount new Fund Fund funds Fund rating fengji investment fund sales Fund dividendsPrivate equity fund companies more >>-initMenu (); Body of brokers trust research report stock research report: click into the Research Centre var ZZ=new StockSuggest ("report_bar", {Text: "lost code, name, or Pinyin", type: "ABSTOCK", autoSubmit:false, width:200, header:[, "option", "code", "name", "type"], body:[-1, 1, 4,-2], callback: function (ag) {'/report/' ag["code"] '.html');} }); function ggyb_search(bb) { var s1 = document.getElementById(bb).value; var s = escape(s1); If (s1== "lost code, name, or phonetic" | | s1== "" | | isNaN(parseInt(s1)) || s1.lengTh!=6) {alert ("Please enter the code you want to check stock! "); return false; } else { var url = '/report/' s1 '.html';; } } March 26, 2012 guotai Junan Cui Xiaoyan static industry news: SFC Research Executive and employee stock ownership, long-term incentive mechanism is implemented. Customer margin management pilot scale was imminent;Agreed to buy back stock exchange is expected to release in the near future; risk capital via advance; is speeding up construction of OTC markets; short thaw cycle, brokerages widening financing channels. ����Southwest, country, Everbright, Hongyuan Announces 2011 annual reports; notice of sinolink securities increased plan; haitong securities and h-share IPO delayed again. Industry: securities industry index yields this week-5.04%, excess return relative to the CSI 300 rate-2.35%; 11.3% yields 20.09%, excess return rate this year. This week, the brokerage stocks all fell, Pacific (-2%), merchants (-2.4%) this was, Eastern Wu (-7.6%), East (-7.6%) declineLarge. ����This year, the big (36.3%), Guo Hai (32.6%) gainers, Shanxi (7.4%), the Pacific (8.5%) after the gains. Broker: units base volume this week $ 850 billion; $ 169.5 billion a day, rose-27%. Average daily turnover $ 158.4 billion this year, representing a riseLong-9.2%. Underwriting business: stock issue 6 this week, funding amount of $ 9.58 billion, rose-42%, 4 IPO projects, raise $ 4.08 billion, from the increased 31%. Cumulative share issue this year raise $ 90 billion, year on year to 17.9%. Underwriting of the largest brokerageFor merchants, CITIC. Bond issue 31 this week, raising $ 19.4 billion, rose-36%. ����Securities companies underwriting bonds this year, cumulative raise $ 255.7 billion, of which $ 127.9 billion corporate bonds, year on year to 30.8%, haitong, CITIC raise the largest listed securities firms. Innovation: Chinese tube, week 2Financial products set up a collection star wars credits, raised $ 1.24 billion; at present, acquired a total of 283 62 securities company, managing assets totaling $ 138.4 billion. Margin balance is $ 47.4 billion, as stock negotiable market value of 0.26%, which financed balance $ 46.5 billion, rose 3.9%, financing this week to buy$ 2.33 billion, rose-21%, Zhou 1.68% general trading. Deal $ 137.5 billion this year, year on year 47.3% average balance of $ 40 billion, 1.4 times as the previous year. Stock index futures contract $ 880 billion this week, rose-14%, volume of stock trading 106%,Rose 18%, Trojan and sold for $ 10.32 trillion this year, average daily turnover of $ 194.7 billion, to 123% of the volume of shares traded. Industry perspectives: Sunday trading $ 169.5 billion diablo 3 power leveling, despite the fall, but pilot customers over more than 10 such as haitong security management, stock agreed to buy back stock, the number of pilot securities is expected to expand the scope,Signs of innovation business acceleration. Risk governance towards bigger and stronger by the securities industry, innovation conference series after the new deal announced, business will speed up the launch of innovation, policies to benefit and real boon will continuously promote the brokerage sector forward. ����Maintain outperform rating. Stock recommendation: continue to recommend innovative flexibility haitong, CITIC and Everbright, GF and share brokerage and energy stocks, LiaoNing. Stock brokers trust are involved in the latest study reports more title rating category rating changes report date name of innovation business promoting the sustained advance in guotai Junan speed increase to maintain 2012-03-26 innovation,Recommended maintaining period of insurance 1 quarter net worth growth 7% 2012-03-26 China Merchants securities weekly 2012 weeks non-free non-bank financial information 2012-03-25 Societe Generale securities reform in transition to promote opportunities for strategic investment without no 2012-03-22 shenyin wanguo gradually through leveraged promotion channelOriental securities optimistic about maintaining 2012-03-21 click to view all trust >> trust top stocks for the brokerage rating list brokers ' stock forecast profit in next 3 years financial index ranking of brokers trust shares earnings per shareNet assets per share net asset yield main business income growth rate of net profit growth rate of retained earnings-per-share the revenue from core businesses net profit gross profit margin operating activities cash flow per share sales industry tracking function copyToClipBoard(){ var clipBoardContent=""; clipBoardContent =location.href; window.clipboardData.setData("Text",clipBoardContent);Alert ("replicated successfully, please paste to recommend to your friends on your QQ/MSN"); } Solemnly declare: dongfangcaifuwang publish this information aims to disseminate more information, position has nothing to do with this website. Dongfangcaifuwang does not guarantee that the information (including, but not limited to text, data, and charts) all or part of the accuracy, authenticity,Integrity, effectiveness, timeliness and originality. Related information is not confirmed through this website, you not constitute any investment advice, operation at your own risk. Set dongfangcaifuwang to Internet Home do? To add dongfangcaifuwang to your Favorites? About us advertising contact us careers Disclaimer legal notice links call for papersAll suggestions and complaints hotline: 021-54509980 on duty hotline: 021-54509988-2,345 views and suggestions on Shanghai ICP permit: Shanghai-B2-20070217 all right reserved: dongfangcaifuwang _cpyno= "C1"; Others:

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