Tuesday, April 17, 2012

tera gold that currencyPolicy facts have started to ease - PWX

129788454826718750_41Hengtai securities: short-term overbought on high jiancang Market this week after first anti-Yang tera power leveling, stimulated by strong credit data, a sharp recovery, market trading enthusiasm was fully activated this week, stocks prices unusually active. On the disc surface, Wenzhou related stocks continued a strong financial reform this week, still catching this week, stocks are close to or exceeding 30% per cent, but need to be reminded that the related stocks gain huge chips looseFixed signs, and Shenzhen Stock Exchange yesterday also issued a bulletin to guard against consecutive daily limit of stocks, thus require caution in operations-related stocks. Message on the surface, research by the 12th of Standing Committee of the Shenzhen Municipal Government Conference on strengthening the development of improved financial services to support the real economy. Improved financial services made a series of innovative policies, aimed at furtherFinancial support for the development of the real economy and the role service. Since yesterday afternoon tera power leveling, stocks in Shenzhen's arrival galvanized, collective strength, we need to focus on Shenzhen stock can take over the baton of stocks of Wenzhou, a hot new market. Credit data on March March 1.01 trillion yuan loans, M1, M2, big growth in balance, that currencyPolicy facts have started to ease, although a number of institutions considered too strong credit growth to reduce short-term expectations of reduced deposit, but it is worth mentioning that the Exchange dropped significantly compared with last year is the probability of the event all year round, plus a couple of quarter expire wherein tickets were relatively small, therefore remains in the second quarter and down need to save. Technical point of view, from the perspective of market 60 minutes on line, short-term overboughtSerious and 2360-2400 as one of the early intensive transactions tera gold, further attack put great pressure on the market, in the short term, it is recommended that every high appropriate jiancang, admission is to be cleared before operation. Others:

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