Monday, April 16, 2012

tera gold this pattern flourished. In2011 summer months - UAY

129779483485625000_72Review: investment communications expert, MarketWatch columnist herb (Mark Hulbert) wrote an article about a "May sell" the so-called Halloween indicator, analysis in the summer months, sell stocks, cash benefits. Following Herbert's comment on the text of the article: spring up, to clean the HouseTime, and clean portfolio time to naturally speaking portfolio clean clean up, believe some investors intend to take the most extreme of the extreme methods: sell all shares, all transferred to the cash position. This is because statistical data show, Halloween began six months of stocks in General is strong in the winter months, and at the beginning of MayRelative weakness among the six summer months, Wall Street has always been there "May sell"--4 the end of the month is a strong cycle.  So, was the machinery to wait until May, was also the first-mover advantage tera power leveling, and in April to consider withdrawing it? In order to find answers to your questions, I turn to my tracking by two investment newsletter, they are based on "MaySell "strategies of trading system, but also to be amended. One amendment quite successful, greatly magnifies the effect of seasonal factors tera gold, and it is tracked by the Hulbert Financial Digest one of the best investments in communications. Although one cannot say that improving the so-called Halloween index, index bad but at least is not better than the original, and is good to buyHold policy. If investors are familiar with "May sell" argument, will naturally know its another name: Halloween index. Recommended the United States economic review has published a research report, in December 2002, a comprehensive analysis of this indicator, stock found in studies involving a total of 37 countries, 36This phenomenon.  In these countries, stock from Halloween to the so-called international labor day returns to be significantly higher than the other half in the winter months the so-called summer months. In fact, the study also found that there is so much difference, so that we can say that, basically, the stock market returns over the long term is the product of the winter months. In other words, if the investors in the international labourDuring the Festival to Halloween to go to cash all investment, the impact of investment returns over the long term is very small, and at the same time, it can greatly reduce investment risks – nature is tera gold, based on the risk factors to adjust after the return figures greatly enhanced. It is worth mentioning that, in the past 12 months, this pattern flourished. In2011 summer months, complying with the model of your portfolio into a cash and stock market suffered its recent memories most terrible--one of which also occurred during the period of the United States Government's credit rating was downgraded. Even if the market put on a strong rebound in October, but the Dow Jones industrial average on May 1 to the Halloween periodOverall performance is decreased by about 7%.  This is in contrast to, since Halloween, the Dow had jumped nearly 10%. Two investment newsletter that I traced to Halloween index for the sake, but try to find a better exit and entry timing, they were the Almanac Investor NewsletteR, edit hesike (Jeffrey Hirsch), and Sy Harding ' s Street Smart Report, edit Harding (Sy Harding). Amendments to their index, rely on the differences and similarities are smooth moving average (MACD) to determine a more accurate buy and sellThe date. The Hulbert Financial Digest for two investment newsletter performance track record dating back to 2002 year, already has more than ten years of data. According to the data of this decade, I estimate their overall performance-when-when investments into stocks, assuming that its performance and the Wilshire 5,000 index, portfolio cash positionWhen assumes that its use is a 90-day Treasury bonds.  If you want to understand how the two, also requires two important references, that is in the middle of 2002 to the present, buy hold the average annual rate of return of the investment strategy for 5.4%; in the same period, average annual returns of 7% of the original Halloween index. Harding revision Halloween indicator annual mean rate of return of 9.0%, leading to the original version of the 2%, a leading buying and holding policy 3.6%.  In fact, the summary has a 2002 year has all performance records as potential operational policy in total of 122 species, and Harding's strategy in which ranked last-placed winner. Of course, hesike's revised strategy performance relative to almost, average annual rate of 6.9%, slightlyBehind the original version, but still much better than buying and holding policy. (Jin) Others:

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