Monday, April 9, 2012

tera power leveling such as the persons concerned are said - MSM

129774133128593750_92Internet in the near future: "recently issued a notice within the single branches all over the country, at price reduction this year, be sure to also sold out all stock on hand before the July 6 July or will introduce heavy adjustment policy of the Central, leading to single began throwing goods run. "In this regard, poly real estate development, China resources land, in the sea single real estate companies, such as the persons concerned are said, setMission has not issued a "limited time to clear inventory" internal documents, regulatory policies on potential blockbuster of the year has no knowledge; this year tera gold, real estate companies generally take "price change" policy, "quick turnaround" has become the property of single established policy. Single big price cut the beginning of 2012, poly real estate more than 40 major cities around the country conduct joint promotionPIN, big price reduction actions tera power leveling, involving a total of more than more than 100 sale item over the more than 20,000 sets of houses. For this round of promotions, poly real estate named "XI-spring". Real estate in order in a single "high end" specializing in the development of sea blew horns-for-price. Zhijiang 2000 Yuan/square meter, Zhijiang 4,000 yuan/square meters of real estate price information attracted theEye of many buyers. Investment real estate is an outgoing "national price reduction is a political task". More recently, investment real estate by "merchants set up 140 anniversary" themed incentive activities. It is learnt that the investment real estate to the principle of the national sale fast lifting volume; to do so, companies willing to launch a group-wide power: China Merchants Holdings and its subordinate enterprisesEmployee purchase no more than 5% can be considered an additional discount of the purchase. Real estate pricing promotion by the single wide raised widespread suspicions in the market. People in the industry that, in hot 2009-2010 real estate, real estate single massive expansion, resulting in their inventories highest in the history of high this year, stocks will become the primary housing enterprisesWorks.����3 April, a window period of the real estate market this year, so that most enterprises will seize the opportunity to fast shipping. Poly real estate, for example, under the influence of depressed city, company sales have been falling for several months, but the stock value is rising. CIC securities analyst Li Shaoming pointed out that current poly real estate inventory and increased compared to previous years there is a clear,This poly started in 2012 than 2011 13 million square meters have come down is expected to pressure greater than sales in the first half in stock. Due to inventory pressures increase, poly pace has slowed, and new reserves for the year 2011 to be about 10 million square meters, 14.41 million square meters of the year 2010 year 30.61%.Regulation implied that property taxes in the industry that offer real estate regulation has entered the "policy implementation period" from Government work report and recent top stand can be seen in the future, will further optimize the policy, the continued deployment of the central regulation of the real estate market, including restriction of policy not to relax not shaken, to intensify research and advance property tax pilot. "For the moment, the so-called heavyRegulation is undoubtedly the expansion of property tax pilot Wai. "Zhongyuan real estate analyst Zhang Dawei said.����Recently tera power leveling, the State Council approved and transmitted to the national development and Reform Commission of the focus on the 2012 reform of the economic system, clearly, to accelerate the reform of fiscal and tax this year, timely expansion of property tax in scope. Real estate industry estimates, is expected to relieve Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Chongqing,Selected list of second batch of pilot urban real estate tax reform.����Surveyed experts believe that the current reform programme remains to be further improved, to the room tax is the trend of the stock, and may consider tax on property rights of small rooms. Real estate Chief Analyst Wang Haibin believes that regulation of the real estate market has institutionalization, housing prices have basically under control, now need to address the core issuesIs the local revenue sources problem, levy property taxes at least to a certain extent to address the problem. Next pilot will no doubt choose the real estate market of developed cities, Guangzhou and Shenzhen to meet that standard. (Source: China Securities daily) from: SINA posted this article for the purpose of passing more information, does not mean to endorse their views or confirm the description. Others:

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