Thursday, April 12, 2012

tera gold If artifacts are found - UKY

129773438981562500_1127Site scattered in the Northern Song dynasty porcelain pieces. Water wave on building components. Shadow of North Song dynasty celadon pieces, silver clad has been blackened. Archaeological excavations at construction site work already concluded. Zhejiang online, March 26-recent, frequently found under the Ningbo baby. Last week tera gold, yuyao had just came a message, local wuliancun unearthed in the tomb of the Southern Song dynasty Prime Minister Shi Songzhi。 Yesterday on Twitter and friends have claimed, yuehu Street fall on one ' s back month dug out a song a day before yesterday a site building components. Reporters went to the site yesterday, Discovery News is true. However, the reporter has discovered a serious problem, in addition to the building components, also has many cultural relics unearthed from here, but have not been damaged, is being "Taobao" people away. Here is woollyExtended teach Temple worship site of Millennium, Ningbo Department had conducted an archaeological dig. Why would so many remnants of heritage? Also, why didn't these people? Northern Song dynasty unearthed in building components, unattended Twitter exposing of users, called "Tao Wencang", is a "bone ash"-level cultural relic enthusiasts. Yesterday, he took a reporter, went to the scene. Under his guidance, the reporterA stone building elements on the ground. Stone artifacts outside most of the exposed soil, about 1.1 meters in diameter, open side is a volume of Grain, exquisite Lotus pattern on the back, Midway, with a hole, you can see that is part of the building. "Tao Wencang" said that based on his experience, which is a component of inscriptions of classics on stone building Tower, should belong to the period of the Northern Song dynasty. "Such a good thing,Door whether, and if so, what a shame! "The reporter then asking if workers on site, this thing now, who is responsible for the custody of, there is no other thing? One worker said, dig in a little time, then was moved, not knowing where buried, they are responsible for construction, no matter. Often fragile artifacts excavated from the construction site, it was every day to "Taobao" gate of the siteWhile writing a "powerhouse of construction", but reporters at the scene saw a lot of people, they stroll around with his head down as if looking for something. "Tao Wencang" said, teach Temple worship site is located is a stretch for thousands of years, "Earth is a baby, someone to pick every day." Reporter looked in the vicinity, and copper were found scattered on the floor of an ancient brick tiles. "Tao Wencang" said brickIs of the Han and Jin dynasties, is during the Northern Song dynasty, "this is the Palace building, if it is residential, tiles should be, it also means that should have a large Palace near group. "" Tao Wencang "said, teach Temple worship site of the subject has not been forthcoming, may be near. On the edge of one worker told reporters that since they started construction last year, it was often to pick up something. ReporterAsked, "now that you know, why are you no matter what? "Workers have stated that it had no idea who should have the authority," to build underground garages here, we are dealing with piling, others don't care. "It has been said that had picked up here worth thousands of" things "and" Tao Wencang "picked up a piece from the floor tiles of yellow," porcelain unearthed here was good, it sounds like the NorthSong dynasty kilns in the medium term, you see, two parrots, painted it so well ". One comes to "Taobao" people have found ancient tiles of a triangle. People who hang around in a circle in the play. "The baby a lot here tera gold, I found a lot of sub bone pool also coins of the Northern Song dynasty. "A member of the public about their harvesting. Other people say, they picked up the Song dynasty kilns, kilnAnd Yue kiln porcelain, "in some markets, has unearthed something often seen here, thousands of dollars of the price of the most expensive. "The reporters asked them, these are artifacts tera power leveling, your private home, does it fit? A member of the public said, are digging out lost, might as well keep on their own, can also give people a look at in the future. Insurance sector had been "part of the archaeological" reporters have learnedTo, this place is a stretch for thousands of years teaching worship Temple ruins are located. In 2009, Ningbo culture archaeological excavation has been conducted here, found part of the Tang and Song dynasty cultural relic, where a statue of Plum Orchard stone boy statues, are very rare. However, the main building of the temple and the Southern Song dynasty built "towers" and "pumice pool" site not found. Ever since it has been mining, whyRemnants of so many cultural relics? Reporter contact Haishu covers. Haishu responsible said Li Wenguo yuehu district, pre-construction, Ningbo has sung teaches key locations to explore Temple ruins, but only "part of archaeology", part of the mining, "in other regions, is a survey of surveys, not fully discovered. However, construction units and conventions, If artifacts are found, they'd have to inform the first time. "Provincial cultural relics monitor Corps Lv Keping: heritage should continue exploration yesterday, reporters pictures sent to Ningbo cultural heritage conservation management. A head after reading said, worship and teach Temple of inscriptions of classics on stone building components should be a definite link, for research at yuehu Buddhist culture has important historical value in the West Bank, members of the publicFind porcelain, the study of ceramic technology, is also helpful. For "section of archaeology", this responsible person explained that they charge a full exploration of national standards, however, the limited resources of time and money and other reasons, not all mining, can only be carried out "part of the excavation of an archaeological site". In this regard, a folk archaeology enthusiasts say, in Ningbo "part of archaeology" as early asCase. "Yi Avenue, the former is also part of the archaeological, construction dig a few pits, unearthed the ancient ship, finally made the underground garage. If you continue mining, maybe you can see that in Tang and Song dynasty at the terminals. "This reporter consulted the captain heritage monitor Corps Lv Keping in Zhejiang Province. Lv Keping said that archaeology there are two general approaches, if surveys have something, clean up, and awayHeritage; if it is a very important discovery, are generally required to adjust the project, such as Hangzhou Imperial ancestral temple ruins discovered before, then downtime for site protection. Lv Keping said on Ningbo's situation he does not know, however, is not "part of the archaeological" such practices, in accordance with the principles, as long as found artifacts, archaeological, "archaeology has ended, but has found an important component, explorationShould continue to be, take a look at what. "Haishu experts: to the scene to see reporters learned today, March 24, user" Tao Wencang "after the microblogging, specifically @ Haishu district of Wu Shengwu microblogging" Wu Shengwu 007 ", and said" want to backfill, meticulous archaeological research for future generations the opportunity ". 16 in the afternoon:49, "Wu Shengwu 007" forward tweets and @ "Haishu". After four o'clock in the afternoon, Li Wenguo again to call a press conference. He said he has had communication with the construction of Haishu district, city investment company, the other side says, "field supervisors are asked, verify that there are no found (Heritage). "He and the reporter agreed, this morning to look at," if some priceValues Department will first clean up the text, and then in a fixed place, numbers for safekeeping. "(Editor: Song Yuxin) Others:

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